Enjoy an afternoon of classic cars on the rolling back hills of the winery. This has become one of the area’s largest car shows, displaying old-time favorites, street rods and muscle cars. Show time is 1-5 PM. The band “5 O’Clock Somewhere” starts at 3:30pm. The Grille will be open for food.
Dash plaques given to participants. First, Second & Third place awards for Best Restored or Original Car, Best Sports Car or Corvette, Best Muscle Car, Best Street Rod or Custom, Stock or Modified Trucks. Additional awards: Western Reserve Chapter Award and Debonne Owner’s Choice Trophy. $5.00 registration fee for participating vehicles. No Rain Date. Open Registration. No dogs allowed near cars. Judging ends at 2pm. Contact show organizer, Dave Payne, at 440-997-7751 with questions about participation and show details.